Evertz Technologies Apps

Service Monitor 1.0
The Evertz VistaLINK PRO ServiceMonitor(VistaLINK SM) app extends your current VistaLINK PROinstallationto allow for quick and easy VistaLINK Servicemonitoring to yourmobile devices.The VistaLINK SM app automatically synchronizes to youractiveset of monitored VistaLINK Services and displays them in agridformat. Services with alarms are indicated using theVistaLINKseverity color/flash presentation model. The VistaLINK SMapp candisplay all Services or can be put into a "monitor byexception"mode that will only display Services that have activealarms.Services can be sorted either alphabetically or fromhighestseverity condition to lowest.A user can select a Service to display current alarmsummaryinformation, and long press to remotely launch theselectedService’s alarm log to a running VistaLINK PRO Client.Alarm information is posted to your device’s notificationsystem,so even when running in the background you can be notifiedwhenalarm conditions change.FEATURES:Service Synchronization- Automatically synchronizes to all Services in a VistaLINKPROsystem.Display Modes- "Display All" Services mode.- "Monitor by exception" mode that only shows Serviceswithalarms.Sorting- Display Services in alphabetical order.- Display Services in order of most critical alarm severity toleastcritical.Alarm Information- Services with active alarms are displayed using thestandardVistaLINK PRO color and flash presentation system.- Alarm summary information is displayed when a Serviceisselected.- VistaLINK PRO Clients can be remotely controlled to displayalarmlogs for a selected Service.- New alarms are posted to the device's notification system.REQUIREMENTS:The VistaLINK PRO Service Monitor app requires version 11.1 oftheVistaLINK PRO Server.
Digital Standards 1.0
This app provides a reference guide on technologies andstandardsfor broadcast video engineers or those who simply areinterested inbroadcast video. This app contains: - Active FormatDescriptions(AFD) - Digital Production Formats - Digital VideoResolutions -Television & Film Aspect Ratio Formats - MetadataLocation forHD & SD Formats - JPEG2000 information - MPEG-2TransportStream - MPEG-2/H.264 Profiles and Levels Charts -CompressionStandards - Digital Storage Formats - Fiber, Satelliteand RFinformation This app is a general reference tool supplied byEvertzTechnologies Ltd.